You've said nothing at all.

找我聊聊 這學期的功課


我知道 是我無能 真的 真的不會好好控制自己的時間 過著頹廢的生活

妳跟小尾說了很像的話 問



"不行.不知道.不能?" you kept asking... 勉強的一笑 算是個回答吧

你舉了一個例子 試圖讓我有信心...

今天開了兩個多小時的會 越開 心情 差 tired...

The things you don't even care... which we care a lot...

Maybe I just can't grow up. Not mature enough to think it clearly.

我好愛球隊 好愛 每一個妳們 都是

但是 為了任何人.事 犧牲了這些美好的回憶 怎麼想都不值得

是阿 我們可以想走就走 但是還是有無奈的 still

放假兩週 寒假你可以好好打了吧? 妳問 我無言 擠出最後的力量微笑

what else can I say...

會開完 走出會議室 一片黑暗的體育館 好靜 球隊都走光了

Calmed my anger... walking alone,thinking..

Will we see you on time at the court in the winter vacation? 小馬問

You know what

I just want to hold you tight and cry out in you arms.

It is you that made me so much proud of being a part of GBT.

so proud...

It's all because of you guys are there. This means anything to me.


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